Blogger dashboard basic guide - all options and settings in detail

Blogger dashboard basic guide - all options and settings in detailBlogger is quite customizable. You can access all the Blogger settings via the Blogger Dashboard. Blogger allow you to customize a number of things. The Dashboard lists all of your blogs. As an administrator or author, you can change various blog settings, control the post template, publish and edit posts.

Blogger divides its settings into several areas: Basic, Posts and Comments, Mobile and Email, Language and Formatting, Search Preferences, and Other.

How to access your blogger dashboard?

complete blogger dashboard options
To reach the Dashboard, just log in to the Blogger website. If you're already logged in, look for a link to the Dashboard in the upper-left corner of any page and click it. This link is the Blogger icon. The Dashboard shows all the blogs that you've started with Blogger.

How do I update my profile on Blogger?

  • Sign in to Blogger.
  • In the left menu, click Settings >> User settings.
  • Under “General,” next to “User Profile”, click "Edit"
  • Make your changes.
  • Click   Save Profile.
how to update blogger profile - update blog user settings

Blogger Dashboard Sections

Blogger Dashboard has 2 sections.   Top Bar  and  Menu Bar 

google blogger dashboard main areas - 2 main sections

Top Bar consists of:
  • Your blog name (at the top left side)
  • To see how your blog will look, click  View Blog .
  • To create a new post, click   New Post .
  • Display Name displays at top right side.
In top bar, on the right side, there is a drop-down menu named "All labels", with a label search bar. "All labels" displays the list of all labels used in your posts, with the total number of appearances of label.

how to use labels in blog - best use of labels in blog posts
All labels, with number of times a label used in all posts


Displays the total number of posts, total drafts (unpublished posts) and published posts.

Once you click on Posts, it will redirect you to All posts, Published posts and Draft posts and it also gives you all other information about your posts such as tags (labels) which you add in your Blog post, Comment Count, View Count, Post Created Date, etc. 

Posts top bar
post publish option
Publish post, revert to draft (unpublish), or delete the post

On top of the Posts Bar, you can see "Check Box" to select all posts, a drop down to select a "Label" used in posts, "Publish" the post, "Revert to draft", and "Delete" post options. 

Posts left-side bar

draft and published posts in blogger
shows the number of drafts and published posts

Posts listing area

Displays all posts listings, including post title, posts respective labels, and 3 more options. 3 options will appear when you move the cursor around post.

post more options
posts options

Posts right-side bar

Displays the post current status (draft or published), display name, comment count, view count, and the date when the post created.

shows comment count, view count and date when post created
shows comment count, view count and date when post created
Also Read This: Blogger basic settings


This page show details similar to analytics like page views, post-wise traffic, sources of traffic (URL's and referring sites) and audience (location of view, browsers). 

Stats displays in 4 sections.

blog pageviews stats, post pageviews, traffic sources, audience, referring urls
different options to show blog and posts pageviews

Overview section gives an overall status of your blog traffic. You can see the Pageviews today, Yesterday, Last Month, All time history details as well as total number of followers. Posts include the title name and number of people searched for the post and other details. 

pageview chart, posts and traffic sources stats
pageview charts


In this section, you can see all the comments of your audience. You can also delete comment(s) and can reply to any comment. Blogger will display you all comments in three categories viz., Published, Awaiting Moderation and Spam. 

Awaiting Moderation is the one that is yet to be verified and then published. Don’t publish any spam comment on your blog and waste your Page Rank.

Published comments can be deleted anytime later.

blog comments options - remove content - delete comment - spam
blog comment options


You can make money from a blog is through Google Adsense. There are many sources which drive you to earn money from blog. Google Adsense is the best way to earn money.


It will show you all the pages of your blog. You can add and delete any of them. Pages can be considered as 'Static' as they remain visible to the visitors. 

blog pages options - create new page - publish page - revert to draft the blog pages
create new page, publish a page, revert to draft or delete a page

Pages bar on top, you can see "Check Box" to select all pages, create "New Page", "Publish" the page, "Revert to draft", and "Delete" page options.


Pages are different from posts. Posts are the place where articles are written and shared to the world. A page can act like a directory. A page can hold group of similar posts, but a post is meant for specific article. 

Bloggers allow you to create only 20 pages while you can create the unlimited number of posts. You can categorize the posts links in pages.


Layout is all about your blogs inner arrangement. Layout is very important for the customization of a blog. You can add, remove or edit gadgets on your blog. Click and drag to rearrange gadgets. To change columns and widths, use the Theme Designer.

One can place any number of Widgets, Ads, Subscribing Links, Forms, Social Media Boxes (etc.) in Layout Form.  

Some of the gadget settings might not affect the appearance of your current theme.

Gadgets may include Favicon, Sidebar (Top / Bottom), Header, Footer, Search (Top), Subscription, Ads, Page Body and many more.


Start with a base theme and customize your background, layout, colors, fonts and more...

Following is the theme named Contempo, with 5 different color schemes. 

choose a blog theme - customize your background, layout, colors, fonts
choose a base theme for your blog


From here you can adjust the settings of your blog. Settings include "Basic", "Posts, comments and sharing", "Email", "Language and formatting", "Search preferences", "Other" and "User Settings". Choose any of them and set up your blog properly.

"Basic" Section

In "Basic" section, you can:
  • edit the title
  • give the description
  • set the privacy setting
  • edit the blog address
  • choose the HTTPS
  • Add the authors

"Posts, comments and sharing" Section 

In "Posts, comments and sharing" section, you can:
  • shows the number of posts on main page
  • add a post template
  • set the comment location
  • set "who can comment?
  • set comment moderation
  • set "show word verification"
  • add comment form message

"Email" Section

In "Email" section, you can:
  • set "posting using email"
  • add comment notification email
  • add email for published posts

"Language and Formatting" Section

In "Language and Formatting" section, you can:
  • set language for blog
  • enable transliteration
  • set time zone
  • set date header format

"Search preferences" Section

In "Search preferences" section, you can:
  • give meta tag description
  • enable search description
  • set the blog's custom page not found message
  • set the blog's custom redirects
  • set the blog's custom robots.txt content
  • set the blog's custom robots header tags
  • set the blog's custom ads.txt content

"Other" Section

In "Other" section, you can:
  • import and backup content
  • manage your videos
  • delete your blog
  • allow blog feed
  • add post feed redirect URL
  • add post feed footer
  • enable title links and enclosure links
  • enable or disable adult content
  • set google analytics web property ID

"User settings" Section

In "User settings", you can:
  • edit user profile
  • enable use blogger draft
  • set language on
Also Read This: Learn how to set up a blog


  1. blog comments are essential for any blog or website. They allow visitors to leave feedback about your site and what they liked or didn’t like about it.


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