Online and Offline Data Related Job Types

data related online and offline job types
Learn about all the online and offline job types available on internet. Job types includes regular data entry jobs (Plain data entry jobs, basic typing jobs, Word processing jobs, typing jobs, cleaning of data), Online data entry jobs (online form filling jobs, online survey job), Micro jobs (captcha entry jobs, copy and paste jobs, captioning jobs), Data Formatting Jobs (Reformatting and Correction jobs, editing and proofing jobs), Converting files jobs or data conversion (PDF to Text/ Image to Text Data Entry Jobs, Audio to text jobs), Transcription Jobs (Medical Transcription Jobs, Medical Coding Jobs), Misc Online Data Entry Jobs (Online data capturing jobs, Email Processing Jobs, Updating Database), Data Entry Keyer Jobs (Catalog Data Entry Operator, Payroll Data Entry Operator, Entering Data into Web Based System), Data Entry Clerks (Hospitals, Municipal), Writing Jobs (Content Writing, Copywriting)

Regular Data Entry Jobs

Plain Data Entry Jobs

Plain data entry job involves typing words into MS word file. Here, apart from typing speed you also need good reading and writing skills in English.

Basic Typing Jobs

basic typing jobs
basic typing jobs
Other basic typing jobs can be working with Excel Spreadsheet. Here you just have to fill cells with data. You really do not require to know about formulas and other technical stuff.

Word Processor or Typist

online and offline word processor or typist jobs
online and offline word processor or typist jobs
Here the work is a bit more technical. You need to create letters, mailing labels, reports etc. You must have good grammar skills as well as vocabulary.

Cleaning of Data

data cleaning jobs
data cleaning jobs

Also known as data cleansing or data scrubbing where you detect and remove (or correct) erroneous data from a table or a database.

Online Data Entry Jobs

Online Form Filling Jobs

online form filling jobs
online form filling jobs

Here you will be given online form and huge data separately. You have to enter the value from the database into each field in the online form very carefully.

Online Survey Job

online survey jobs - digital survey jobs
online survey jobs - digital survey jobs
You have to answer few simple questionnaires and fill up the survey forms. You can fill up a survey form in 5 minutes to 15 minutes depending upon the length of questionnaires.

Micro Jobs

Captcha Entry Jobs

captcha entry jobs - micro jobs
captcha entry jobs - micro jobs
As you know Captchas are images containing texts, number or alphanumeric data used to fill in a field given below. You have to solve hundreds of Captchas every single day.

Copy & Paste Jobs

online and offline copy and paste jobs
online and offline copy and paste jobs
Here you copy data from one file and paste it to another. Basically, it will be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Captioning Jobs

captioning jobs
Captioning jobs
Captioning is more advanced because here you write headings and captions for news headline or an image. This job is required by media industry like News channel.

Data Formatting Jobs

Reformatting and Correction jobs

data formatting jobs - reformatting and correction jobs
data formatting jobs - reformatting and correction jobs
Normally formatting jobs include formatting a word document like aligning paragraphs, indentation, fonts etc.
You also have to format a long form which contains various fields like Name, Email ID, Address, Phone No etc.

Editing and Proofreading Jobs

editing and proofreading jobs
editing and proofreading jobs
Here you have to have good knowledge of English because you will not only correct spelling mistakes but also grammar.

Converting Files Jobs or Data Conversion

PDF to Text / Image to Text Data Entry

data conversion jobs - pdf to text - image to text conversion
data conversion jobs - pdf to text - image to text conversion
You will be given an image which is a screenshot containing written paragraphs. You have to read from images and write it down on a Word document.

Audio to Text

You will listen an audio and reproduce it into a text format. Audio to text data entry job is bit advance because you need really great listening skills hence not for everyone.

Transcription Jobs

Medical Transcriptionist

transcription jobs - medical transcription jobs
transcription jobs - medical transcription jobs
The most common transcription job is medical transcriptionist. Here you listen recorded audio files and write it down word by word in a word document.

Medical Coding

Medical coding is bit different than transcription job. Medical coding is transformation of healthcare diagnosis, procedures, medical services into alphanumeric codes.

Misc Online Data Entry Jobs

Online Data Capturing Job

online data entry jobs - typing jobs
online data entry jobs - typing jobs
You have to capture data from various internet publications such as e-magazines and eBooks. Here you need good English skills.

Email Processing

email processing jobs
email processing jobs
This is one of the high paid data entry job. Here you process hundreds of emails daily to find out their content and make a list in an Excel spreadsheet.

Updating Database

updating database - database related jobs
updating database - database related jobs
Here you update existing database and create new ones online. These database contains various fields like Name, Phone no, email ID, address etc for various industries.

Data Entry Keyer

Catalog Data Entry Operator

Catalog Data entry operator read from database and fill into online or offline software. You enter various fields like product name, code no, expiry date, price etc.

Payroll Data Entry Operator

This is very common data entry keyer job. Here you enter the employee name, payment details, allowances etc.

Entering Data into Web Based System

In this data entry job, you enter data into a web based system from different kinds of product catalogues.

Data Entry Clerks

data entry clerks - data entry jobs
data entry clerks - data entry jobs


You enter details like patient notes, hospital records, accident reports etc into an Excel spreadsheet or particular software present on the LAN.


Here you enter into municipal records details like birth records, legal documents, town records etc.

Writing Jobs

Content Writing

content writing jobs
content writing jobs

You can write content for various sites and bloggers. You need to write article of various length and submit it to the blogger or site owner.


copywriting jobs
copywriting jobs
Similarly copywriting is about writing ads.


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